School Stationery 20242023-11-17T12:11:33+00:00

School Stationery 2024

The link for the 2024 stationery will be uploaded soon.

Make sure to order early to ensure your child’s stationery arrives in time for Term 1. Your child can bring their box of stationery on goal setting day (Friday the 1st of February or on the first day of school Monday the 5th of February) please do not label anything or cover any books.

Once you have ordered your stationery through this link your order will be delivered to your home or work address, all stationery delivery enquiries need to go directly through Office Max 0800 426 473.

Please also note that you do not have to order through Officemax if you choose not to, you are welcome to take your child’s stationery list from the link above and shop around yourself.